To apply for an accreditation for the 59th Jazzaldia, please complete the following form. We will contact you in the weeks leading up to the Festival to confirm the status of your application.

Completing this form does not guarantee that you will receive an accreditation.

For Photographer, to allow the concerts to proceed smoothly, accredited photographers will have a limited amount of time and must obey certain rules when taking photographs (first few minutes of the concert, specific areas, no flashes); under no circumstances does having an accreditation mean that you have the right of entry to the whole concert.

Function during the festival

Unvalid entry

Personal data of the journalist

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This field is required and must be a valid email address.

Labor data

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The file is too large or is not in the correct format
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Concerts you would like to cover

Entrada no válida
Entrada no válida
Entrada no válida
Entrada no válida

Days you would like to be

Accreditation does not guarantee access to all the performances of the day. The rules and instructions of the Jazzaldia must always be followed.
PDF Program

Entrada no válida

Observations and comments

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Acceptance of the privacy policy and send

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Este campo es obligatorio.